Wow vanilla download
Wow vanilla download

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Warrior: WarriorHUD, VF_WarriorAddon, Samuel, RageTracker Rogue: RogueFocus, PoisonPouch (from RoguePack), QuickLoot Mage, Druid, Priest, Palladin: AutoBuff, TopMeOff PVP addons: SaySapped_Extended, Sentry, Retarget, SpellAlert Raiding addons: BigWigs, CThunWarner, Decursive, XPerl UnitFrames, ZGLoot, BuffWatch, KLHThreatMeter, DPSMate, Interruptor ModifiedPowerAuras, TargetFrameBuff, MobHealth2, Gatherer, OmniCC, ShaguScore, oGlow, WhoList_Fix, MapNotes3, BestBuff, Omnibus, ShaguClock, RingMenu, Ghost, crafty, Master Trade Skills v1.12, BookEnchants, SpellAlert, AuldLangSyne, ShaguJunk, FocusFrame, Vanilla-Farmer Not entirely essential but very important addons: PfQuest, EQ元, Mail, aux-addon, SUCC-bag, Atlas, LazyPig (replaces GrayAutoSell, QuickLoot), ShaguTweaks (replaces MapCoords, GrayAutoSell, ShaguValue, ShaguMount and many others), oCB2, Chronometer, Antagonist, Decursive (mage, druid, priest, paladin, shaman), CharactersViewer, ImprovedErrorFrame, MinimapButtonBag, Master Control Program (MCP) Nostalrius – Elysium – Kronos – VanillaGaming – – – CurseForge – WowInterface – Classic.WowHead GitHub List ( Local copy) – VADP – Addon-Community – wabc – VA20 – crazypoultry pack (descr) – laytya pack – Kronos – Elysium – Nostalrius For example inside “EQ元-master” there is the folder “EQ元” Sometimes the addon contains a sub-folder with the right name. For example rename folder “Mail-master” into “Mail”. If you download source, usually you have to rename the addon folder deleting the “-master” suffix. If there is nothing in releases, then download source (green button “Code” then “Download ZIP”). IMPORTANT: When downloading an addon from GitHub, first look in Releases (in the right side of the window) to get the latest version.

wow vanilla download

This is a list of essential Vanilla WoW addons.

Wow vanilla download